Our Story



In 1971 the ANFFAS Broni-Stradella Division was born in Stradella thanks to a small group of families and friends who wanted to create services that didn’t exist back then.

In 1972, they opened a small Day Care Center in Vittorio Veneto Square, that was initially attended by 8 children, supported by citizens, enterprises and companies.

In 1985 the Housing Community (nowadays Social-Health Community) was born, and in 1995 it was the turn of the Emergency Center. The first one is in Stradella, Via Vescola and the second one is in Broni, Via Matteotti. The buildings were both restored by ANFFAS with funds from charities, regional contributions and bank foundations.

During these years we assisted dozens of people and their families, designing together a life journey to include and support them and improve their autonomy.

In 1990 the members wished to create a Social Cooperative in honour of the Co-Founder, late Gianni Pietra, in order to merge it with ANFFAS in the social-education and help and health services in the Oltrepo area.

During the same years, a Social Cooperative that operated for the work integration of disabled people was born.